Sunday, March 1, 2015

Take Or Toss

We all remember that adorable scene in the Sex & The City movie where Carrie is packing up her stuff and her friends help her complete an impossibly giant purge of her closet.  I believe that is something we should do around every major milestone in our lives (prefereably with champagne and girlfriends…it helps ease the pain of parting with with your possessions). A recent milestone for me was my college graduation, and though moving back home was difficult, the hardest part of all was trying to merge two closet's and two dresser's worth of clothes into one closet and one dresser.  So I decided it was time for me to go through the clothes that I had kept home and get rid of anything I truly would not wear anymore.  Yes, I am very guilty of almost getting rid of something but then keeping it just in case I ever find a use for it (which we all know never happens).  So I tossed donated about three garbage bags worth of clothes and an entire tote of shoes, yet I still didn't have enough space.  It was then that I decided it was time to go through my college clothes and get rid of clothes that I probably should have left at college along with going out on Tuesday nights, using strictly paper plates and plastic silverware so I didn't have to wash any dishes, and eating pizza at 3 a.m.  As I packed these clothes away (only some, I didn't actually own all of the below, but I know about 1,000 girls that did) I thought of real-life alternatives.  For those struggling with similar issues, hopefully this helps!!

(Right) J.O.A.

(Right) TopShop

(Right) Trina Turk

(Right) Top & Culottes: Tibi

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